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KMID : 0359019990190050721
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1999 Volume.19 No. 5 p.721 ~ p.729
A Comparison of Endoscopic Ultrasonography with Transabdominal Ultrasonography of Water-Filled Stomach in the Accuracy of Staging of Gastric Cancer
1À¯È¿¹Î/1Hyo Min Yoo
1Á¤À纹/1¼Û½Ã¿µ/1¹®¿µ¸í/1°­Áø°æ/1¹ÚÀμ­/2ÀÌÁ¾ÅÂ/1Jae Bock Chung/1Si Young Song/1Young Myung Moon/1Jin Kyung Kang/1In Suh Park/2Jong Tae Lee
Gastric cancer; Staging; Endoscopic ultrasonography; Transabdominal ultrasonograpy of water-filled stomach;
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